My Services

Overnight Care

Starting at $100/night

Looking for your pets to have company overnight? With overnight care, I stay in your home through the night with your pets. This service is typically provided beginning the evening of the start date, until the morning of the end date. With overnight care, I may leave the home for extended periods of time during the day. Updates are provided before the night ends and before leaving in the morning when the booking ends. Specific needs can be discussed at the time of the meet & greet!

Dog Walking

Starting at $35/walk

Need to get your pup out during the day while you are away? Dog walks start at 30 minutes, and can be extended to 1 hour or more if desired. An update including photos and the distance spanned are given at the end of the walk.

Full-Time Care

Starting at $200/day

Have a pet that needs company all day? With constant care, I stay in your home with your pet for a 24-hour period, typically from 8am to 8am, and refrain from leaving for extended periods of time during the day. Updates are provided in the morning and in the evening. Specific needs can be discussed at the time of the meet & greet!

Drop-In Visits

Starting at $40/visit

Need your pet to be fed, given medication, or simply to see a friendly face sometime during the day? Drop-in visits begin at 30 minutes, and can be extended to 1 hour or more if desired. Updates are provided at the end of the visit.

Book a free meet & greet!